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welcome, february! :)

hi! :D today is two days before new month, february! :D
I love february. it caused many people have a birthday on that month, especially him (a cruel alien. LOL). hm.. I just wanna say thanks to you all who have read this blog. big thanks. no, huge thanks from me. :-* and let me say sorry for these useless posting, for my crazy daily life story. sorry. :( I hope you'll happy after read this blog. :D.
and I wanna say thank you for those people volutarily follow this blog. and they are:
--> muhammad advin hidayat
--> fitri
--> fitrifra
--> ajieHoLic
--> Cheekmah Kriyani
big thanks to you, guys! :D am waiting your comments in every posting. :D
I do hope can continue writing. huhu. still the same like before, crazy daily life story. so, happy february! :D

ps: sorry for my bad english. :P