hi! :D 2 days ago was my birthday. I was really happy that many people said 'happy bday', 'otanjoubi omedetou,' 'HBD', 'GBU', 'WYATH', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'. :)) and I wanna say thanks who :
call me 1st = alfian. thank you, honey :-*
text me 1st = my neighbour, mas aditya kodok
chat with me in YM = the 1st and the only one, mr. Indra Suryawan. :)
chat with me in facebook 1st= advin
tweet me 1st = mbak ambar
meet me 1st = absolutely, mom and dad :-*
write in my facebook wall = mr. ex president of FISIP, mas tommy :)
and many many many many people who greet me. thanks. :-*
and I wanna say thank you to my friends who came to my house on tuesday night. especially for finsa, dian and bita who make over me then I looked sooooooo cute (maybe) :p
thanks thank thanks. big hug from me :-*
erizal, catur, bakabon, ucup, erick, tari, teteh, dinar, zaza, dio, febri, bita, finsa, dian, chandra, me, dewa. photographer : ferry :) |